Boat rental in Croatia – The most common questions from Lugia Boats

Are you planning sea adventures in Croatian waters?
If so, you probably have a lot of questions about the requirements, permissions and costs associated with renting a boat.
For all those interested, we decided to answer some of the most common questions that may arise in connection with boat rentals in Croatia through Lugia Boats.

Here are our answers:

1. is it possible to swim in Croatia without a patent?

Although Croatia is an extremely beautiful place to sail, the law there is clear – chartering a yacht in Croatia without a patent is impossible. This applies to both sailboats and power boats. These regulations are designed to ensure safety and holy calm on bodies of water.

2. is it necessary to have a motorboat patent in Croatia?

Yes, possession of a „Voditelj Brodice” patent is required to charter and operate motor yachts up to 30 tons. However, holders of these credentials do not additionally need to hold a radio operator’s certificate (SRC), which is mandatory in other countries.

3. how much does it cost to rent a boat in Croatia?

Boat rental prices in Croatia vary depending on the type, size and season. For example, a family of 4-5 can rent a yacht with two double cabins in the price range of €1,500-1800 per week in high season. New yachts can cost about €500 more, while older 3-cabin boats are a €2,000 expense.

4. is the Polish motorboat helmsman’s patent valid in Croatia?

In addition to a sailing license, in Croatia you also need to have a UKF radio license. In practice, a yacht helmsman’s degree along with an UKF rating is the minimum to operate a yacht in Croatia.

5. is it possible to sail a dinghy with a motor in Croatia?

Yes, driving a watercraft equipped with an engine, regardless of its power, requires a motorboat license.

6. Is it necessary to have a watercraft license in Croatia?

Yes, in order to rent a jet ski independently in Croatia, it is necessary to have a motorboat helmsman’s patent.

7. how much does a skipper earn in Croatia?

A skipper, or professional boat captain, can earn an average of 80 to 120 euros per day, although amounts can vary both ways. It is worth noting that during the charter, the skipper does not incur additional costs for cruises, accommodation or food.

8. how much does a port in Croatia cost?

The cost of accommodation in the city port or marina may vary. The average cost of a city port is about 5-6 euros, and a marina is 9-11 euros per meter of yacht length.

9. How many euros should one take to Croatia for a week?

The amount of money to take on a vacation to Croatia depends on the length of stay and the planned attractions. The approximate amount you should take is about 500-1500 euros per person per week.

Of course, every aspect of boat rental in Croatia may have its own nuances.
That’s why it’s a good idea to get in touch with the professionals at Lugia Boats, who can help tailor your choice to your needs and ensure a great experience on the waters of the Adriatic.
